
Aims & Scope
  • "Învăţământ, Cercetare, Creaţie" (Education, Research, Creation) is a peer reviewed periodical that publish original and high quality articles covering a wide range of topics of scientific research, creative papers, essays, opinion papers in all areas of Arts and art education.

    This multidisciplinary international publication accepts papers in the fields of music, performing arts and media, visual arts, language and literature studies, on the basis of its originality, importance and interdisciplinary interest.

    Special issues dedicated to international conferences and symposiums organized by the Faculty of Arts, in the topics of the publication, are brought out, as well.

    Generous thematic gives the authors the oportunity to present their research results, new ideas and original professional experiences, contributing to the development of artistic research, domain that finds its full expression mostly through the artistic act itself, to face the challenges of XXI century cultural society.

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