
VOL. 7, No.1 - 2021
  • Daniela VITCU, Dean of the Faculty of Arts of the University “Ovidius” from Constanţa, Romania
    Dear Colleagues,
    I am glad to introduce you the the 7th volume (No. 1/2021) of the “Învăţământ, Cercetare, Creaţie”, periodical of the Faculty of Arts of the University “Ovidius” from Constanţa, Romania, containing the proceedings of the12th International Symposyum Învăţământ, Cercetare, Creaţie (ICC 2021), which was successfully held on June 4-5. Different from the previous four times, ICC 2021 was carried out in the form of virtual conference due to the impact of COVID-19. Even though the virtual events lack the kind of interpersonal communications attendees get from in-person events, however this has boost the number of participants. A carefully tuned schedule with a virtual platform made it a true “global” event for anyone around the world to attend ICC. ...
  • Ana-Maria ABRUDAN
    Media mediated emotional expressions in the consumer design decision
    Objects have a very high significance, not only because of their utilitarian function, but also because of their psychological impact. Relationships are established between people and objects. Science and technology have generated standardization, but, through an irony of fate, humanity does not suffer from a lack of choice, but from an excess of choices, of options, a specific dilemma to industrialization, when the advantages of diversity and individualization are nullified by the complexity of the design decision taking process by the buyer. ...

    Vocal Music Aspects in Ancient Greece
    Considered a mandatory characristic of the human being, the voice is actually a special gift that helps us communicate throughout our lives. Conscious of this fact, the Greek antiquity gave singing supernatural powers, for religion and art constituted a unity. The ancient Greek tragedy and comedy required a culture of singing and speech, for the acoustic conditions of outdoor scenes required it, so it had to be developed, obviously by means of training. In order to increase the voice performance of the solist, the voice pedagogy focused on tone, voice intensity, rhythmic flux and subtleties of voice modulation, but also on an appropriate presentation. ...

  • Nicoleta Mihaela ARDELEAN
    Cuatro coplas, by Luis de los Cobos Almaraz
    The way in which the lied is received by the public is usually determined by many factors, the most important of which are those in connection with the means of interpretation. Being a combination of structures (music, text, gesture) the lied becomes one of the complexes and simultaneously, the provocative artistic events. The aim of this analysis, which is intended to be part of a wider study, is to provide a system for evaluation and verification of performance in the vocal art by examining the factors that determine the real success of an interpretation, modeled on the ”Canciones” Lieder cycle, op. 27, composed by Luis de los Cobos Almaraz in 1985. ...

  • Ioana BOLDIȘ, Alexandra POP
    Visual arts students’ perceptions of the study-to-work transition: challenges and potential solutions
    Due to the highly technological and competitive labor market requirements, youth need the skills to correlate subjective experience with exploring and processing multiple facets of the same reality . Preparing students for the study-to-work transition aims to facilitate the transferability and adaptability of the academic skills and knowledge to the professional field. In this paper, we investigated the visual arts students’ perception regarding the transition from higher education to labor market. The participants answered to a series of questions. The main data collection instrument was an online survey. In addition to the data regarding youth perception of the education-to-work transition, the study also includes a set of recommendations for optimizing programs, intended to facilitate the professional insertion of university graduates. ...

  • Marian CHIRAZI
    Expressiveness of gestural communication through body actions
    Throughout history, interest in the aesthetic and spiritual side of the body has been a constant concern. One of the features of corporal movement essential expression is the driving body defined by the movement and determined by aesthetic principles. A reminder in this regard are the sports with a pronounced artistic character that aim, above all the education of body aesthetics by using specific means of gestural communication like rhythmic and sports gymnastics, sportive dance, figure skating, figure swimming, etc. All these body movements are defined by the “motors gesture” common point. As an aesthetic attitude of the body dynamics, dance concretely defines its ability to manifest through harmonious, expressive, supple, light and precise movements, expressing certain states resulting from the body-psychic relationship. In conclusion, the motor gesture system can represent a form of gestural communication by loading the submitted message, causing different levels of body body`s expressiveness as a whole. ...

    How to Raise a Theatre Critic
    This paper considers one of the primary (and increasingly distant) meanings of “theatre criticism” perceived as writing reviews /analyses/studies on theatre. One of the real problems of the contemporary Romanian theatre is related to a continuous postponement of the emergence of a wave of young critics who would not only mirror, but also revive the theatrical landscape. How to identify the predispositions for theatre criticism? How to develop these predispositions? How to convince that doing theatre criticism is more than a passing hobby? These are questions that the professors of the Romanian Theatre Studies Departments are frequently obliged to answer. This study aims to indicate a series of methods and practices verified over time, able to complete the training process of the young theatre critic. ...

  • Anca CIOFU, Dumitriana CONDURACHE
    The Hospital of Love - Movement and Utterance in Marionette Study
    The marionette or string puppet was for years mistakenly considered a mere imitation of big stage characters or a means of offering educational support to the little ones taking part in such shows. Lately it has proved that, despite its similarity to human movements, it is also valuable in terms of specific language that is both metaphorical and symbolic as well as in harmonious movements and articulated gestures adapted to the physical appearance and the embodied character’s inner traits. This statement was best sustained by our choice of Anton Pann’s The Hospital of Love which not only stirs imagination but is also a good example for students’ handling and speech techniques. The rich universe of both The Hospital of Love and Worldly Songs gives the various marionettes with clearly cut facial features and well defined characters, such as the young lady with visible dark circles under her eyes, the young housemaid, the old drunkard etc., the opportunity to perform in a small setting in which the focus falls on the variety of costume colors. ...

  • Daniela COJAN
    The Dramatic Conception of Euripides' Work
    Greek tragedy has seen many series of poets and attempts at plays, but the quality of the inventor of tragedy is attributed to Thespis. Although Thespis is the most important representative of his generation, his works have not been preserved, not even fragments. Euripides is the third representative of classical Greek tragedy. Although almost contemporary with Aeschylus and Sophocles, if we make a comparison between their works, we discover different styles, which seem to be from different generations. Euripides is closest to contemporary sensibility. Euripides treats in his dramatic art both the very conception of action and its scenic treatment. The heroes of his work struggle with themselves, or rather, with beginnings of their human nature. ...

  • Ramona COMAN
    Interpretive Sound Introspections in Composer Ionica Pop’s Composition Entitled "▲"
    The concert rendition of this composition that presents ideational, graphic, and semantic novelty has been consistently founded on the dialogue between the composer and performers during the rehearsal sessions taking into account the fact that the conductor was the composer himself.Our research has focused on bringing to light certain findings at comprehension level as well as with reference to the approach used to tackle an idiosyncratic musical genre that is built on symbols as metaphors for numbers, words and geometrical figures. Following the metaphorical meaning description, the author shares her personal experience rendered at both an emotional and interpretive level documenting it from the very first analysis of the musical score to its ultimate scenic representation. ...

  • Ramona COMAN
    Interpretive Hypostases of Iocasta’s Character in Cornel Țăranu’s Orestes & Oedipus Opera
    A genuine lyrical performer of our present times has the opportunity to approach contemporary creation as a major challenge with reference to the maturation, preparation and desired approaches of new music.Within this context that is deeply rooted in the author’s experience of having met maestro Cornel Țăranu, the present paper aims to reveal various semantic layers connected to tackling such a complex role.Focusing on revealing certain myths and offering a brief presentation of the libretto, the author presents her personal account of the encountered difficulties and utter satisfaction that she has experienced by portraying a unique character belonging to an exceptional masterpiece from the beginning of the 20th century. ...

  • Laura Sînziana CUCIUC ROMANESCU, Ozlem KAYA
    Digital Transformation in the Arts
    Since the beginning of 1990, with the increasing use of personal computers in the business world, software, different programs and applications running on computers have become increasingly important. Because of the convenience it brings to many points, computers have endeared themselves to the professional user. In today's world, three-dimensional design programs have changed and developed all of their working principles. Thanks to these softwares and programs, products and collections meet with the customer in virtual reality, without the need for production. Future customer revision requests can be completed quickly. In this way, especially in many areas, time, material and personnel are saved. Since this infrastructure also provides the opportunity to work from home for many personnel (design, R&D, etc.), it also serves the continuity of the works in the current period. The digitalization process has reached a certain point in many areas of art. Both the conditions we are in, the changing direction of customer demands and requests and the reshaped expectations have supported the development of this process. Whatever the conditions are, human beings do not want to break their connection with art. At this point, the digital world makes its existence felt with all its possibilities. Important exhibitions, fashion shows, workshops, theatrical shows are moved to the digital environment and meet with the audience. In this study, it is aimed to put forward the question of how the digitalization process works in different fields of art and what are the mechanisms that drive digital transformation in the fashion sector in the current period, and some suggestions have been made at this point. ...

  • Laura Sînziana CUCIUC ROMANESCU, Ozlem KAYA
    Some Aspects of Color in Design. Digital Tools that Increase Productivity
    The beauty of the point where we are in history right now is that we can benefit from centuries of scientific and artistic researches in the field of color theory. There are whole volumes that have been written about the color theory, volumes that are worth tos pare a bit of time on, and whom are digging deep into this subject. In the field of design (graphic design, web design, interior design, etc.), one of the hardest aspects of working with colors is that sometimes when the colors have not yet been arranged in a design, they do not seem to work well together. However, once applied, their visual harmony becomes evident. We are fortunate to have these days several tools at our disposal that make color selection extremely easy when used properly. And, best of all, they will continue our understanding of color theory. ...

  • Nicoleta-Cristina DEMIAN
    Disdance - new artistic environment
    Music and dance improvisation is, first of all, a matter of communication, and online creation has to face different perspectives and challenges as well. Technically, dance is integration of sound, rhythm, space and movement. All these technical characteristics were restricted in online but, being receptive, together with TonArt Ensemble Hamburg, we discovered new improvisational and compositional approaches. The activities of the project Disdance took place every Monday evening between 15 of April and 15 of June 2020 on zoom platform. As artists, we wanted to continue to work in spite of all restrictions caused by Coronavirus pandemic lockdown. Involving in practical and digital actions of online meetings we became familiar throughout the project activities with a multitude of innovating techniques and procedures in terms of form and artistic language. This online music and dance improvisation project made me more confident in planning and online delivery of an art moment and it proved the limitation of communication and space is no longer a problem. Music and dance could create a new environment and new audiences. ...

    Medea in the history of theatre
    The dramatic art, the expression which encapsulates best the human art by showing the most complete mirror of life, has represented in the Greek acceptation more than a harmonious unification of all arts, where the art of setting has proven to be primitive and the music far from reaching its ultimate level of development. The Greek tragedy has been born through a song. At first, it was a liturgical manifestation in the ceremonies of cult and collective life. Tragedy was part of Dionysos-Bacchos cult, the god of wine and debauchery. In Euripides’ theatre, an extended space is given to female characters, but his opinions regarding women seem at first sight somehow contradictory. ...

  • Leonard DUMITRIU
    The tragic female character in Janáček's and Shostakovich's work. A conceptual parallel
    One of the elements that connects Leoš Janáček and Dmitri Shostakovich works is "Katarina", the name of the two main female characters in their respective operatic works. Both heroines have asmodels literary works by two great Russian writers, i.e. Alexandr Ostrovsky and Nikolai Leskov, and share a tragic destiny, retained in music, yet reshaped and amplified by the creative vision of the two composers. Before and beyond music, this vision starts from their own re-creation of the libretto, which is deeply personal and different in the case of the Czech and the Russian composer. The present study aims at drawing a parallel between the two characters, two deeply unhappy women, united in their destiny of passionate love and violent death, through voluntary drowning. The concrete goal is to offer Romanian music lovers and musicians a deeper knowledge of the works "Kát´a Kabanová" by Leoš Janáček and "Lady Macbeth of the Mtsensk District" by Dmitri Shostakovich. ...

  • Dana ENACHE
    Poetry - A Complex Phenomenon of Language
    Before uttering a text, be it poetic or prose, it is necessary and compulsory to understand it in depth. The work on the text begins with the study of phrasing which is not a simple act of acknowledgment, but a creative analysis. The first reading of the text is the moment when the delight is triggered in the receiver. It is the moment when a spiritual connection is created between the reader and the artistic material. Thus, the incitement leads to the study process. This is followed by thorough research, analysis of sentences and phrases,search and discovery of meaningful, essential details, beyond what appears at first sight. Once the theme of the text and the idea proposed by its author is identified, we establish our own position towards the work (fragment) in question. Starting from the idea, it will lead to the discovery of feelings, affectional nuances serving as basis for the establishment of emotional highlights. ...

  • Ovidiu FELIPOV
    Elements of Artistic Language in Drawing
    In visual art, whether we are talking about monochrome or polychrome, there are three structural elements: line, dot and spot. They are used harmoniously by the artist to plastically emphasize the analyzed subject. The present study is an analysis of the elements of visual language in the drawing, highlighting the moments of maximum evidence of the line, point and spot. In visual art we find them used separately but also in the associated formula, the compositional formula that brings together all the elements of visual language is a harmonious one and implicitly of high artistic value. ...

  • Mariana FRĂŢILĂ
    Albert Sarda - Elements of musical language
    Albert Sarda (Sardà) belongs to the generation of Spanish composers who in the 70s and 80s came up with their own directions, obviously continuing to expand their interests up to the present day: spectral music, insisting upon an original sound, ways of integrating aleatoricism, be it more or less controlled, minimalism, instrumental theater, electronic and electroacoustic music. ...

  • Cristina GELAN
    Art Exhibitions between 1920s and 1930s, Reflected in the Avant-garde Magazine UNU
    In the first decades of the twentieth century, when the trend of emancipation of Romanian culture - literature, but also art, under the influence of traditionalist direction and synchronization with European ideas became increasingly evident, the avant-garde movement proposed a series of aesthetic programs, aiming to impose a new vision, both in literature and in art. In this sense, the magazines founded during this period had a major role, even if many of them appeared for relatively short periods of time. Among them, there is the magazine UNU, a publication that appeared in Dorohoi, between April and December 1928, and later, between January 1929 and December 1932, in Bucharest. The magazine had declared itself surrealist and promoted the experiences of avant-garde events. ...

  • Cristina GELAN
    Bill Viola and the Art of Exploring the Sensory and Spiritual Dimensions of the Human
    Bill Viola is an important innovative contemporary artist. He can be considered an innovator of a special type of artistic discourse, in which video art, conceptual art, installation and New Media art propose a synesthetic aesthetic based on exploring the sensory and spiritual dimensions of the human being. The art proposed by Bill Viola is based, for the most part, on the central themes of human consciousness and experience - birth, death, love, emotion, spirituality. Throughout his career, the artist was inspired by mystical traditions, especially Zen Buddhism, but also by Christian mysticism and Islamic Sufism. In this respect, his immersive video installations are representative, focusing on extreme emotions and primary human experiences. ...

  • Alina GRIGORE
    Jean Cocteau and the Group of Six
    The beginning of the twentieth century is marked, in art, by the interweaving of several aesthetic directions such as symbolism, neoclassicism, Dadaism, futurism. Having no affinities with Debussy's music and rejecting the German-Slavic influences of Wagner and Stravinsky, Jean Cocteau pleads for "a music of France", for a pure song to oppose the contaminations he considers "harmful". This avant-garde aesthetic finds its formulation in Rooster and Harlequin, notes on music published in 1918. In the spirit of new artistic directions, Cocteau combines poetry, music, theater, painting and choreography in a form of musical performance, which opposes established genres. Thus, the poet becomes the animator and source of inspiration of a group of young musicians gathered around the tutelary figure of Erik Satie - the organizer, impresario and self-proclaimed theorist of the Group of Six, composed of Arthur Honegger, Darius Milhaud, Francis Poulenc - already established - Germaine Tailleferre, talented and "discreet", Georges Auric, an early genius and Louis Durey, today, almost forgotten. ...

  • Alina GRIGORE
    Symbolism in the Lyrical Drama Pelléas and Mélisande by Claude Debussy
    Theater has always been, regardless of the aesthetic principles that have governed it from one era to another, an essential projection of the two interfaces of reality: perceptual reality and conceptual or symbolic reality. In connection with reality, whether we are talking about its external form or we are referring to the essence understood as the inner world of the individual (the world of ideas, emotions, feelings, impressions) raises the question of his position towards one or the other. Requesting the principles of theatrical naturalism, symbolist aesthetics urges us to reconsider the problem of interpretation and to ask whether its purpose consists in radiographic illustration of perceptual reality, mirroring the visible world from an authorial perspective or its true mission to reveal invisible truths that lie in the depths of being. the characters of the drama. The suggestive abilities of music - considered by symbolists an ideal model of expression - will provide them with a model but also a tool for probing and revealing unseen energies and truths. ...

  • Livia GUNĂ
    Modernism. The Relationship between Dance and the Film Industry
    François Delsarte's theories of recognizing the body's expressive potential, through the body-mind relationship, provided the tools for adapting the human gesture to new expressive demands. Dancing is a clear way of expressing corporeality, beyond words. Modern dance, with its pioneers Loie Fuller, Isadora Duncan, and Ruth St. Denis, brings forth the idea of using dance as an expressive force, independent of the other arts. This type of modern dance will inspire the film industry with new movements, different from the familiar day-to-day. The relationship between dance and film emerges in the late 19th century, when artists start to focus on urbanism, industrialization and technology, transposed into body movements. Each of the two artistic branches is complex in itself. The fact that they have achieved a way of working together creates a new sphere of possibilities. ...

  • Mădălina Gabriela IONESCU
    The Baby canary lied by Felicia Donceanu, compositional analysis
    Over the years, the composer Felicia Donceanu has distinguished herself in contemporary Romanian composition by using an original sound language, which combines traditional techniques with modern ones under the influence of her creative versatile artistic spirit. The “Baby canary” lied for soprano and viola da gamba or lute is part of the cycle of lieds “Singing with Ienăchiţă Văcărescu” made by the composer between 1983 - 1984 on the lyrics of Ienăchiță Văcărescu, this being the first in the series of four that make up the cycle. The present study represents its compositional analysis. ...

  • Mirela KOZLOVSKY
    The importance of music theory in transcribing the musical text as an ethnomusicological document
    The transcription, a fundamental element of ethnomusicological research, has as main objective the representation from a graphic point of view of all the melodic, rhythmic and ornamental elements that the musical folklore contains. The musical text is laid out on paper, taking into account several important criteria: the analysis of the sound text to be transcribed, the identification of the elements perceived after the initial analysis and the correct and accurate assignment of the corresponding graphic elements. The paper aims to highlight the importance of the basic elements of music theory in the realization of ethnomusicological discourse. The thorough acquisition of these elements determines the scientific transcription of the collected musical repertoire, and the transcription decisions that the researcher assumes, ensure the document quality of the musical discourse. ...

  • Flavia LUPU
    The Body in Contemporary Art in the Paradigm of Political Thinking from Left to Right
    The relationship of contemporary art with political thought is a special one, that is different from the paradigms up to modernism, where the political gesture begins to be appropriate. Avant-garde artists are consolidating the integration of political thought into artistic discourse. The artistic gesture is constructed considering certain typologies that bring it closer to the doctrinal left or right. In contemporary art, the structure of conceptual construction of the artistic subject, especially for a good part of what we could call “the new conceptualism”, has a strong political and doctrinal value. The comparative analysis in this paper aims to analyse the way politics (in the sense of political thinking) influences and generates both topics and approaches in the area of contemporary art. ...

    The Puppet, a Ritual Artefact or a Magic Object?
    If we talk about the puppet of the 21st century, we find that it is an important element of culture: its symbolic and functional capabilities are used in the ritual, theatrical, museum spheres, we see an active use of it in cinema, animation and television. So far there is no universal definition of the theatrical puppet, which is caused by the state of contemporary theater, marked by a movement that tends towards performance, synthesizing different traditions, forms and theatrical signs. The era of total theater, creating productions on a universal scale, addresses animation theater as an impressive allegorical medium. The metamorphoses of the last years change the traditional idea about the theatrical doll, which allows the researchers to include in this concept all the means of artistic expression of the puppet art, united by the motor function. ...

  • Barney McCULLAGH
    The Hinge of Ovid’s Metamorphoses: 8.138-154
    lines 8.138-154 of Ovid’s epic poem ‘The Metamorphoses’ are well known. They explore the physical transformation of Scylla and her father Nisus, king of Megara, into birds. It is less well known that these lines take Ovid’s flair for linguistic metamorphosis to new heights. In this article we argue that the meaning of the text becomes ever more fluid as the author not only exploits different nuances of words but also redraws the boundaries between the words themselves. Meanwhile, the inadvertent metamorphosis of the text in the hands of copyists will also be addressed. Emendations will be proposed where corruption is suspected. In general this article seeks to (a) enrich the reader’s understanding of what it means to ‘metamorphose’ in Ovid’s ‘Metamorphoses’ and (b) equip the reader with new methodologies for the analysis of, and for the repair of, the metamorphic text itself. ...

  • Anca-Daniela MIHUȚ
    The sonorous world of Mircea Eliade’s „theatrical” prose works
    In some of Mircea Eliade's fantastic prose works, centered around theater and performance - prose that can be considered, themselves, as true dramatic scripts - the sound clues take up a very important place, alongside the visual suggestions. The main elements of creating the sound dimension in these proses are the voice, the choral effects, the evoked instruments, the noises, as well as the references to music and certain musical pieces. The vocal way of treating the characters (whisper, murmur, speech, shout, cheers, song, etc.) is consistent with both the character and the dramatic situation in which they evolve. Also, the noises are varied and suggestive, each short story having a certain sound specificity. Noises spatialize the discourse and give a note of reality / presentification of the action in these proses. Selected from the context, they could give rise to a real "score" of concrete music. ...

  • Anca-Daniela MIHUȚ
    Mircea Eliade’s vision-generating text on drama and performance
    In the short fantasy stories, which are part of the cycle of performance and cryptography, as well as in Mircea Eliade's novels, the systematic presence of artists can be noticed, but especially that of the actors, as well as the numerous references to theater. The novel The Forbidden Forest contains, already crystallized, the Romanian writer's conception of theater. Eliade's interest is mainly directed towards a new type of playwriting and towards spectacular performance, because he makes a very clear difference between writing and acting. The writer considers dramatic art a place of debating artistic, philosophical, religious ideas, but is convinced that the theatrical play can offer the possibility of a different approach to them and a different understanding of the world - one that can trigger enlightenment and human spiritual liberation. ...

  • Ruxandra MIREA
    Dumitru Lupu, a classic of light music
    The present study represents a musicological research through which I intend to bring to into the spotlight the composer's creative personality reflected in the volume My Album with Songs. Light music is a genre whose dominance is entertainment, good will, beautiful feelings The musician wanted to communicate to the public through this genre of light fantasy music, with fluidity and flow in all the elements of musical language. Having models since adolescence and youth the artist imposes himself not only in Constanta but also in the entire country, with works full of melodicity, harmony, true resonances of natural experiences. My Album with Songs is a collection of vocal music, subject to my stylistic and aesthetic analysis, from which the composer's knowledge is understood, his respect for art, a constant search for new technical ways to delight the public, to support students. ...

  • Titiana MIRIȚĂ
    General Aspects of Film Music in the Creation of Tiberiu Olah
    Tiberiu Olah is one of the best Romanian film music composers of the second half of the 20th century. His feature filmography includes 34 productions from 1958 to 1987. In all of these, he exploits the sounds of the small or large symphony orchestra depending on the specifics of the script and the story. The fiction films for which he composed the soundtrack include a wide range of genres such as drama, history, love, adventure, current affairs, war. Until the 70th, the style he approached in his films is a clean, good one, not abusing too much the technique of leitmotif and sound description. ...

  • Elena-Mirabela MOROSANU
    The theatre game. Stages in realization and understanding
    Any line of work requires time and space in preparation and training. The field of performing arts has however a different approach. Learning can be fun if challenges are involved, since they help us in creating new ideas. Whether you are an actor, opera soloist, ballet dancer, actors, singers, and ballet dancers are subjected to a specific training. We must understand through game/situations that there is a problem which must be solved. The answer cannot be found at the end of the book, as we can see in textbooks, and it has to be you the one who searches answers, the one who proposes solutions for the situation approached in a play. There is a dialogue, a partner with whom to interact and build a relationship. ...

  • Alexandru NEŞ
    Theater and Music. An Epistemological Approach
    Since ancient times, whose stories are based on concrete archaeological sources and discoveries, the ceremonies that accompanied the great rites of passage of mankind - birth, marriage and death - have been structured according to ancient scenarios, with texts, pantomime, costumes and the music. However, in this paper we do not intend to make a history of music or theater performance, but rather to describe the dynamics of an evolution, which can be traced from antiquity to the present. In fact, any spectacular form, or one that was considered worthy of becoming spectacular, with the help of which an important moment in the life of the community was marked, was accompanied by the show. Basically, the music and the spectacular forms, regardless of the typology to which they belonged, evolved, up to a point, together, but not necessarily in parallel. Each of the two areas addresses the same senses and it is the composer's duty to carefully identify that sensitive line in the creation, according to which the two should be in perfect balance and to serve the stage and the show. ...

  • Alexandru NEŞ
    The Dithyramb of Antiquity. Theater, Music, Verse and Instrument
    How truthful should the stage music be, how close to the reality of the dramatic text? This is one of the most important issues facing a stage music creator. Musical creation must not compress or overshadow the meaning and musicality of words. Also, the dramatic text should not be sovereign throughout the show, because the viewer's attention is uneven, and the risk of boring him, high. If the music is to accompany the dramatic stage performance, it is as if an instrumentalist were asked to accompany a painting. She must first understand him, love him, and embrace him in order to share him. Antiquity represents, once again, the epistemological reference from which any historical or aesthetic investigation of these spectacular elements starts. ...

  • Maria Pia PAGANI
    Three Poems to Eleonora Duse (1924)
    The famous actress Eleonora Duse died in Pittsburgh on April 21, 1924. She was on tour in the US with her company, and this tragic event was announced in the newspapers around the world. In May 1924, the Italian-American magazine «Il Carroccio» (founded and directed by the journalist Agostino De Biasi, an Italian migrant in New York) published a dossier in homage to Duse with the memories of many intellectuals who had known her. In particular, there are three poems written in English by three women that deserve a special attention: Eleonora Duse. She of the Beautiful Hands by Barbara Young, “Draw the Curtains” by Deborah Beirne, and Duse as Francesca da Rimini by Louise de Forest Shelton. The paper analyzes – for the first time – these poetic texts, considering Duse’s international success and the impact of her acting on the audience. ...

  • Daniel PAICU
    Stylistic and interpretative issues in Two preludes for clarinet and piano by Sabin Păutza
    The work Two preludes for clarinet and piano was composed for in 1977, the peak period in the creation of Sabin Păutza and premiered by the clarinetist Dumitru Sâpcu. The play reveals a varied and original musical language, a synthesis of the principles of jazz and traditional folk elements; it consists of two parts, Andante cantabile and Allegro giocoso, contrasting both in form and tempo. Musical theme from which the entire work is inspired leads us to the realm of Romanian fairy tales and jazz composing keeps the mystical atmosphere through the intimate stories created by the expressive sound of the clarinet accompanied by the plated piano chords. ...

  • Aurel PALADE
    „The Cherry Orchard” - Notes from the Theatrical Performance Lab
    This article is a conceptual analysis of a selective biography regarding the performance based on Chekhov’s The Cherry Orchard. Its purpose is to emphasize the importance of this play through the performance’s creators, trying to come up with original elements to unveil hidden meanings of this text. Comparing different representations of this play, we can notice that each of them attempts to unfold obscure meanings within Chekhov texts. In this respect, besides having a brief analysis of the most important and famous performances of this play, I participated in this study with my own representation, brought out at Ariel Municipal Theater from Râmnicu Vâlcea. ...

  • Aurel PALADE
    Outlines On The Craft Of Theater Directing
    The present study tackles with the attempt to offer an accurate representation concerning the director’s role within the theater performance. Making a bried foray of the way the theater performance claimed this task, the paper work emphasizes the mechanisms used by directors to create a concept of the future play in connection with the actor, music, scenery. Highlighting the cooperation between all the necessary creative compartiments in the stage space, directing becomes the central element of this complex organims, a kind of command center thet directs the component of the show. He is a free conductor to use the instruments engaged in the creative process in agreement and concordance with the score represented by the dramatic text. ...

  • Cosmin PLEȘA
    Blaga Complete Drama Works - the Cathedral of Lights of the Romanian Theater
    In the Romanian collective mind, the monumentality of Lucian Blaga's entire work entered definitively through poetry, philosophy and, perhaps, through his novel. But it is still very far from the place it deserves in what is called the corollary of a historical being from dramatic perspectives. Dan C. Mihăilescu, Doina Modola, Alexandru Paleologu, Mircea Ghițulescu, Ioan T. Morar, Ioan Mariș and many others ask themselves, paraphrasing them rhetorically: what is missing from this theater to be performed on the country stages and to be established? The answer, we suggest, paradoxically, would be in the very wording of the question: His? Blagian theater’s? There is nothing missing to it. That is why we propose through this communication a rephrasing of the legitimate question "why isn't Blaga played?", by referring to Mircea Ghițulescu's thought: "why don't we adhere to Blaga's universe? ...

  • Valentina POMAZAN
    Study Concerning the Influence of Some Sound Objects upon Emotions
    Throughout all humankind history, music has been a major component of creating emotional states and of modulating feelings and even physiology. The study analyses the emotional aspects of various key components of sound objects (as defined by Bernard Seve), seeking a deeper understanding of the sound emotional fingerprint. This is achieved with analysis of data collected from a representative echelon of listeners, exposed to several type of sound objects, with very similar musical characteristics. The musical samples were analysed using sound analysis tool and delivered to the subjects, for personalized audition, in a pre-established order. The matrix data collected from the subjects were correlated with the musical element of each the piece, and represented in a field, prone to indicate the emotional potential of some combinations of musical characteristics. This approach contributes to a better understanding of how one can predict the emotional trigger of one sound object or musical fragment. ...

    The folk quote in the choral creation of Vlad Burlea - Cuckoo’s grey feather
    An example of a direct folk print is the creation of Cuckoo’s grey feather by Vlad Burlea. The composer V.Burlea signs choral, vocal and instrumental creations of chamber, theater and film music. This study represents performance’s analysis of Cuckoo’s grey feather. The composer argues the issues about evaluation of the performance and its lyrical element, an element inspired from folklore; he discus about technics of academical performance and also about the technics from folklore, specific to choral performance art. ...

    Religious choral music in Bassarabia and the contribution of the composer Vladimir Ciolac in the development of this genre
    The sacred choral music in Bassarabia represents the most fundamental side of the national culture. The traditions of the sacred choral music have been developed over the centuries.The musicologist Larisa Balaban points out evidently: “The contemporary composers find unexpected artistic resources in the field of sacred music compositions.” In the last 20 years of 20th century, a number of choral compositions that belong to religious genre were created. The works of Moldavian composers, based on religious texts, contain as a benchmark the addressing problems of human existence, the philosophical perception of life and the joy of communion with spiritual truths – all being conveyed, suggestive to the listeners. These works are distinguished from each other by the manner of exposure, the development of the musical material, the implementation of individual compositional techniques, and last but not least, by the achievement of the proposed artistic aims. ...

    Wandering Through the Fascinating World of the Operetta of Ion Hartulary-Darclée
    In the first two decades of the twentieth century, the Romaniancomposer, Ion Hartulary-Darclée was captivatedby the range of the sparkling genre of the operetta, putting his entire imagination, creativity, skills and knowledge at the service of this musical genre. His works quickly passed the test of the public, the premieres being well received in Italy, both by music lovers and by specialists, which is why he was nicknamed the Italian Lehar. His operettas launched an eclectic style, which is a good starting point for inspired melodies to develop delicate feelings which are released in an atmosphere with a lot of liveliness and quality cheerfulness, being created in Italian. Retiring to Romania, Ion Hartulary-Darclée also chose to write the Romanian version of his operettas, some of them being staged in Bucharest. His works did not pass the test of time decantation, because today they are unknown and unsung. ...

  • Geta-Violeta RĂVDAN
    The Group of Dancers, an Expressive Element in Contemporary Performance
    Just like an orchestra, where every instrument has its importance, the group of dancers is made up of different individuals who contribute, through their own qualities, to the success of the choreographic moment. The synergy of the group comes from the exploitation of the expressive resources of each of its members, and from their harmonization with the rhythm, expressivity and experimental choreographic accumulations of the other group partners. In the interdependence relationship established within the group, the number of dancers and their choreographic interactions, the stage positioning and shape of the ensemble, rhythm, the usage of unison or canon all represent means of achieving expressivity. The choreographer is in charge of finding means to support and combine the creativity of the dancers, to exploit and harmonize their diverse qualitative, expressive and emotional resources. ...

  • Ilaria RICCIONI
    Forms of Public Sphere: Theatre as a Collective Social Builder
    Artistic expressions have a close relationship with the society in which they are embedded. For the theatre this is even more true according to the very nature of live experience that the teathere is proposing to a community. This paper has the intent to inquire the complex relationship between arts and society by its forms and theoretical narratives. Theatre as an institution has the potential to innervate society, or the community, through a practice of sharing creative work and the legitimation, or censorship, of cultural expressions, choosing between the different leanings which theatrical productions can represent. Compared to other forms of collective narration such as cinema, for example, theatre is radically different in its realization, in the nature of its communication with the audience, in the type of commitment required of the actors, and in the type of executive production. What makes theatre different, is its relationship with reality, its requiring a physical co-presence which is realized in a performance, the live performance and the presence of the gaze of spectators. ...

  • Adrian ROŞU
    Georg Friedrich Haendel, Serse/Xerxes, Ombra mai fu
    The content of this paper is based on information of great interest about Georg Friedrich Haendel - a German composer and organist, with frequent and long professional incursions into Italy, a naturalized Englishman –, and about the compositional style of one of his fundamental creations, the Serse opera (the name given by the author), in time also named Xerxes. Haendel’s choice was mainly based on the fact that through his vast creation he consolidated the foundations for the future classical forms of musical art, but also on the fact that the virtues of his art are, in our country, largely unknown, his works - especially the large ones - being very rarely or not at all present in the programs of the large concert halls or opera houses. The name of the composer can be written in three ways, depending on the three major areas in which he worked: Georg Friederich Händel, Georg Friedrich Haendel, and in the English version George Frideric Handel, all three being considered correct, universally recognized and used. ...

  • Lelia RUS PÎRVAN
    Under The Sign of the Great Union an Exhibition of contemporary Art from UAPR Constanța
    The purpose of this article is to celebrate through contemporary art the Great Union event of 1918, which meant a repositioning in Europe, through the new area and the number of inhabitants, through an economic and cultural boom.This fast moment in history has shown us that, despite the differences in education, character or ideologies that separated politicians of the time, we are able to work together. For the Dobrogean artists, the year 2018 representing the Centenary, was celebrated by organizing an exceptional exhibition made by the members of the Constanța branch ofUAPR.Painting, decorative arts, mix media, collages, miniature details of icon on glass,watercolor,photomontage on glass in a mixed media assemblage, the technique made famous by the beautiful Roman portraits from Fayum, encaustics,even made by earth and straw, a beautiful metaphor of the romanian constructions, the works of the artists from Constanța reminded us that the love for history does not exclude creativity or innovation. ...

  • Lelia RUS PÎRVAN
    Inside / Outside / Me An Exhibition by Ioana Predescu at the Constanţa Art Museum
    Rare are the cases when one can speak of an already formed style, understood as a unitary set of aesthetic values, to which somebody adheres fully assumed from the years of study. Following the trajectory of Ioana Predescu,a former student of the Art Faculty fromOvidiusConstanța University, we seem to find ourselves in such a happy case.Regarding the artist's exhibition, it can be noticed that two great themes present in the Constanța Art Museum, the self-portrait and Uroborus, the mythical snake, are unexpectedly completing themselves. Self-portrait is a means of self-investigation, philosophy and psychology, intimate and personal, coinciding with the center of the circle and Uroborus, a symbol of the universe and of time, creation and destruction, alike the outer edge of the circle. Inside / outside / me is a coherent exposure type determined by this continuous flow that is created between the interior, the exterior, the personal - the universal, the boundaries between which Ioana places her artistic approach. ...

  • Ancuța Simona SANDU
    Information and communication technologies adopted for musical education
    In the current pandemic context, we are forced to remodel the didactic act in the sense of forming the complex of skills the contemporary human being needs. Musical education, as well as the order subjects adopts itself to the circumstances, the teachers and the students moulds their behaviours, blossom together and individually, they value their previous experiences, they learn to interact externally and together they start using systems of communication that are efficient to the musical language. They also succeed to define and to build knowledge and also to associate with their focus area resulting from here a new variable, the one concerning ICT knowledge. The teacher uses during their teaching activity digital skills, pieces of information that can be exploited in order to stimulate the interest of students regarding the rigorous study of music, the students proving to the more responsive concerning the wide universe of internet and computers. ...

    Stylistic considerations on Dimitri Shostakovich Second Concerto for Piano and Orchestra - Part 1
    Considering certain differences and developments compared to composer Dmitri Shostakovich's first piano concerto, we notice important changes in vision and an unexpected island of light, which define the Second Concerto for Piano and Orchestra, perhaps the composer's most optimistic and moderate in conflict and paroxysmal tension. The construction of the concerto largely follows the established tripartite traditions, but also proposes some surprising elements, metrically and in terms of form, which successfully configure the individualising component. The success of the work in the concert hall is ensured above all by the exceptional beauty of the second movement, framed by two substantial movements, however with less spectacular elements of language than one would expect in the historical context, but also specific to Shostakovich's creation. ...

    The Issue of Cultural Memory in Postcolonial Art. History and Recontextualization in El Anatsui’s Creation
    Postcolonial theory is defined by the inevitable repercussions of economic, political, social and cultural control over peripheral countries, in order to exploit them. The phenomenon is known as apartheid, refering to segregation and repressive regime. The present study highlights one of the most important exponents of the postcolonial artistic phenomenon, El Anatsui. His African art make a decisive contribution to identifying a true postcolonial cultural biography. The problem of cultural heritage and collective memory is analyzed in relation to the inevitable aspects of postcolonial society, such as the devaluation of the individual or his depersonalization. This paper proposes a distinct perspective on the identity problem of colonialism and its recurrence in contemporary art. ...

  • Florentin Marian SÎRBU
    Ceramics - Materials and Ceramic Pastes
    In this article are presented the study of the chemical composition of pastes and ceramic dyes. This study includes types of clays, properties of calcareous and siliceous clays and the preparation of ceramic masses. The study was carried out using clay from the Dobrogea area, more precisely from the Medgidia quarry. The research used specific equipment and various mixing processes (wet and dry) with the aim of obtaining a homogeneous dispersed system, with a controlled granulation, necessary in the shaping process and in accessing the texture and final composition of the material. The study of the chemical composition of ceramic paste and dyes, the use of thermoluminescence for chronological dating, the restoration of the technological process through experimental archeology, all served the researchers in discovering new analysis criteria regarding the structure of ceramic paste, modeling, finishing, decorating and firing techniques. ...

  • Iulia STĂNEI
    The role of Euridice from Christoph Willibald Gluck’s opera Orfeo ed Euridice. Interpretive vocal-stylistic aspects
    The big opera revelation overlaps XVIII century into new perspectives, which are built on an ethical judgement and a legitimate aspiration for perfection. The dramatic genre suddenly gets a vigorous reduction of the sound matter and an urgent adoption of the morally educative function. Cristoph Willibald Gluck, the opera reformer, achieves the great osmosis between the text and the music through the front screen restoration of the dramatic truth and the naturalness of expression based on the principle of unity of action and scenic cohesion. The role of Euridice form Gluck’s opera Orfeo ed Euridice, designed by a classical configuration, claims rules of vocal-technical order keyed to the idealized principles of the era, in which the belcanto style and technique puts into light the clearest nature of the Gluck vocal score. ...

  • Delia Claudia STOIAN-IRIMIE
    The Stages of Ethnomusicological Research in Folklore Collections
    The field investigation of musical folklore represents the preoccupation of any ethnomusicologist in the course of time. The ethnomusicological research involves a rather difficult task because it has to follow a rather complex path to the end point, starting from field collections, music transcription, selection and classification. The attention of ethnomusicologists is always focused on collecting and researching authentic and unaltered musical material. In order to carry out a correct folklore research, over time, there were used various methods of research and selection of musical creations. ...

  • Alexandru ŞERBĂNESCU
    The Technology Motif in Modern Art - general aspects
    Science and technology are considered to be the main, if not sole cause influencing changes both social and cultural. This hypothesis is also known under the title of technological determinism and supports the idea that science and technology are autonomous entities, evolving on the basis of their own logical principles. With the invention and the roll-out of new technologies, they have an almost contagious effect on the social fabric. This suggests that, for the most part, history is modeled on the impact of new technologies. Moreover, technological determinism does not recognize the importance of the elements of social influence such as politics, economy and human element in shaping history. Technology brought us great palaces, towers and bridges - art enriched them and sometimes embroiled them in the fabric of eternity. Whether we accept technological determinism as a decisive factor or an interdependent connection between technological evolution and the socio-economical element, we cannot conceive art without technology. The dawn of the 21st century brought us an artistic avant-garde that resulted from an was inspired by technology. ...

    Symbols of Water - exploring the Visual Representation
    Water is essential to our very existence not only from a purely physical and functional perspective, but also from a cultural and spiritual point of view. Established as a universal cosmogonical energy in all primitive cultures, this natural element has kept its magical aura up to present times and people are still cultivating its magic in daily rituals we are often no longer aware of. My article aims to explore aspects relating to various religious views and rituals descending from these, as well as popular culture, represented mostly by fairy tales and popular short stories. Our present existence, although significantly more developed and sophisticated, still holds on to the fantastic characteristics of water as a matter and realm of mysterious and magical powers. ...

  • Mariselda TESSAROLO
    Artist and Public in Non-representational Arts: Collaborative Aspects
    Arts may be representational or discursive. Representational arts need the artist until the moment they are completed, and then take on a life of their own. Representational symbols constitute an articulated reality, untranslatable and indissoluble. Discursive arts depend on written or verbal language, but may also include musical notation. There are no right or wrong ways of reading, also because reading remains a personal experience. In the case of music, the empirical player is in some ways similar to the empirical reader, but he/she also has to consider the audience who is listening and the other musicians (empirical players) playing with him/her and interpreting the same musical scores. Modifications may take place because of the typification of social relations and undergo continuous transformation. In literature this is due to the instability of reader situations, while in music it concerns two actors: the musical performer and the concert audience. ...

  • Ioana Luminița VASILE
    Timbral Diversity of Vocal Chamber Music at the Beginning of XIXth Century
    Usually, when we hear the phrase „vocal chamber music” pronounced, our thought automatically goes to the lieder with piano accompaniment, but this area is much wider. Throughout the history of music, composers have diversified vocal chamber music by adding new instruments along with piano and voice or even by replacing the piano with other instruments. Today, we can enjoy listening to small musical jewels of a timbre diversity that amazes with creativity, beauty and innovation. This article aims to bring into the public's attention the fact that vocal chamber music means much more than lieder for voice with piano accompaniment and is presented in a diverse timbre palette, and the interpretive issue is, for the same reason, just as varied. ...

  • Iulian Bogdan VODĂ
    Formal, Harmonic and Timbre Innovations in the Divertimento KV 131 by W.A. Mozart
    The Divertimento KV 131, is a rare work in concert halls, being considered a work of youth, but a closer look at the score brings attention to strange exceptions to the style of the time. The orchestral composition, with the quintet of strings, woods and four (natural) horns is an atypical case. The hexapartite construction, with two minuets, is also unexpected. But the appearance, in these minuets, of three or two trios, which transforms the traditional tripartite structure into rondo forms, is an absolute premiere and according to the analyst's knowledge, a unique case in Mozart's creation. The use of incomplete sonata forms, with a recapitulation section starting from the bridge, or from the secondary theme, or without the Developing section, denotes either the knowledge of Scarlatti's creations, or an extraordinary freedom. Certain key moments are treated intensely chromatically, with altered chords and chromatic modulations, which anticipate the late romantic harmony. ...

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